Kill Bill 2 Scene Analysis - Homework

At the start of the scene, the camera tracks backwards as the woman walks forwards and stays at a medium close up, letting us see her facial expressions clearly. The camera then stops as the woman stops and we see her facial expressions and body language change as she hears the flute from outside. We can tell that she recognises the sound of the flute and seems shocked to hear it. There is then a long shot of the open doors which is also a point of view shot as we see what the woman can see. The camera focuses on the woman again in a medium close up which shows her reaction to what she has just heard and then starts tracking backwards again as she starts to walk forwards. This eventually goes into a long shot as she walks slowly past the camera and leans on the pole outside. Rule of thirds is used here as the woman is on the right side of the shot and she always stays on the right. This begins once she is near the man. Then there is a two shot, with the man playing the flute close to the camera and the woman in the distance which emphasises the distance between the two of them. We then see two close ups of both the man and the woman with the woman on the right hand side of the shot and the man on the left. There are then several shot reverse shots between the two of them as we see the man continue to play the flute and the woman starting to smile which shows that they know each other well. 

After there is a close up of the man as he puts down his flute and says the first piece of dialogue, we see a medium long shot of the woman. Here, we can clearly see that the woman is wearing a wedding dress and after a close up shot reverse shot as they speak to each other, there is a mid shot of the man which shows he is in a suit, suggesting he planned on coming to the wedding but the woman might not have known he would be there because of how shocked she was earlier showing he had not been invited despite them seeming to know each other well. This tells the audience what their relationship is like. The man then moves to mimic the way the woman is standing, leaning against a pole and facing her. As the dialogue carries on, there are mid shot reverse shots which shows their facial expressions and body language as they speak to each other. The camera then moves to the side of the woman in a medium close up, using rule of thirds to keep on the right side of the shot. there is then a close up of her feet as she moves forward before the camera goes back to her face. The camera then does the same sequence of shots for the man. This continues until there is a close up of their feet meeting in the middle. This emphasises them closing the distance between them and it does so just as the conversation begins to get more personal as they talk about how the woman is pregnant. This further emphasises that the two characters have a lot of history together. 
